The Top 7 Most Powerful Characters in Dragon Ball, Ranked


What makes a character powerful in Dragon Ball?

In the Dragon Ball universe, a character’s power level is determined by their physical strength, energy manipulation abilities, fighting techniques, and mastery of ki. The most powerful characters in the series possess extraordinary strength that allows them to destroy entire planets or even universes with ease. They can manipulate massive amounts of energy to unleash incredibly destructive blasts or waves. Additionally, they have trained extensively in advanced martial arts and know powerful, reality-bending techniques.

Overview of the top 7 strongest characters and their god-like powers

The top 7 most powerful Dragon Ball characters wield almost unimaginable power that places them far above nearly all other fighters in the franchise. This includes the ability to erase anything from existence, shake infinite worlds with their strength, instantly transport between dimensions, manipulate time, and break through the boundaries of reality. Their mastery over their godly strength allows them to battle other unfathomably strong beings for extended periods of time without tiring.

Character #1: Grand Zeno

Explanation of Grand Zeno’s unmatched power

Grand Zeno, the Omni-King, is considered the most powerful being in the entire Dragon Ball multiverse. As the king of all 12 universes, his power utterly eclipses that of all other characters. With minimal effort, Grand Zeno can instantly wipe out all existence across infinite timelines and dimensions. His ability to erase anything and everything surpasses even the gods of destruction and angels. When Goku briefly fought Grand Zeno, the clash between their fists sent shockwaves across all of reality.

Comparison of Grand Zeno’s abilities with other characters in the series

No character even approaches Grand Zeno’s level of strength. While angels like Whis and the Grand Priest have incredible reality warping abilities, Grand Zeno exceeds them all. Even Goku achieving the mastered ultra instinct form pales in comparison to Grand Zeno’s casual ability to erase multiverses in an instant. The Omni-King’s might stands unchallenged.

Character #2: Angels and the Grand Priest

Discussion of the incredible strength of the Angels and the Grand Priest

The angels in Dragon Ball possess unbelievable godly abilities that place them among the most powerful beings in existence. They have innate mastery over ultra instinct, can rewind time, and can instantly incapacitate opponents by restricting their movements. Whis, the angel attendant of Universe 7 is shown to be faster than even the gods of destruction and claims he can knock Beerus out with a single blow. Meanwhile, the Grand Priest oversees all angels and is considered one of the top 5 strongest entities.

Comparison of their powers with those of other characters in the Dragon Ball universe

While no mortal can hope to match an angel’s power, they still fall short of Grand Zeno. In a fight, the Grand Priest and angels would easily overwhelm the likes of Goku, Vegeta, Golden Frieza, Toppo, Jiren and other powerful mortals. However, Grand Zeno could instantly erase them all if he chose to. The angels’ reality manipulation crumbles before the Omni-King’s absolute power.

Character #3: Goku

Explanation of Goku’s strength and his journey to become one of the most powerful characters

Over the course of Dragon Ball’s story, Goku has continuously broken his limits to become one of the franchise’s most formidable fighters. After achieving the legendary super saiyan transformations, Goku later gains the ability to tap into the power of the gods themselves. His super saiyan blue form lets him amplify his strength with godly ki. After intense training under Whis, Goku also unlocks ultra instinct – allowing him to automatically dodge any attack and fight purely on instinct. This grants him power rivaling that of the gods of destruction.

Comparison of Goku’s power with that of other characters in the series

While Goku’s ultra instinct form is considered one of Dragon Ball’s strongest, he still falls short of beings like Grand Zeno and the angels. Goku has surpassed nearly all other mortals like Vegeta, Gohan, Frieza and Jiren. However, the gods of destruction and angels maintain an edge over even Goku’s mastery of ultra instinct. Only Grand Zeno stands definitively above him.

Character #4: Beerus

Discussion of Beerus’ immense power as a god of destruction

As the God of Destruction of Universe 7, Beerus possesses enough strength to instantly destroy planets and entire solar systems. His power far exceeds any mortal, even the likes of Goku and Vegeta. He maintains only 70% of his full power to avoid losing control and can increase his already formidable strength through various techniques. After decades of training, Whis claims Beerus has finally mastered ultra instinct in the manga – allowing him to reach even greater heights.

Comparison of Beerus’ strength with other characters in the Dragon Ball universe

While Beerus stands clearly above mortals, his power still pales in comparison to Grand Zeno and the angels. According to Whis, Beerus is nowhere near the level of his father, the Grand Priest. Additionally, Beerus showcases fear towards Grand Zeno’s power – proving the Omni-King exceeds him. However, achieving ultra instinct in the manga likely places Beerus above Frieza, Android 17 and other god-level fighters.

Character #5: Bulma

Explanation of Bulma’s unique ability to potentially defeat Beerus

While Bulma possesses no real combat ability or energy manipulation powers, she has shown one unique skill that gives her an advantage over Beerus himself. As shown early in Dragon Ball Super, Bulma is able to calm Beerus down from some of his fiery rage-filled outbursts by simply slapping him. Her audacity and lack of fear when dealing with the God of Destruction manages to snap him out of his anger. This ability to potentially limit Beerus’ power could give Bulma an opportunity to enlist aid from stronger allies.

Comparison of Bulma’s capabilities with those of other fighters in Dragon Ball

Obviously, Bulma lacks any sort of real strength compared to the other fighters on this list. She has no special attacks or martial arts capabilities. However, her quick wits allow her to influence and control beings with far greater strength – like Vegeta, Goku and even Beerus. By leveraging her intelligence and technical know-how, Bulma has contributed technology, spaceships, and more to help empower the Z-fighters.

Character #6: Fused Zamasu

Discussion of another powerful character in the Dragon Ball universe

Fused Zamasu showcases incredible reality-warping abilities and raw power upon being created by the union of Goku Black and Future Zamasu. His fusion makes him incredibly powerful – allowing him to regenerate from most attacks, warp the very fabric of reality, and overwhelm Goku and Vegeta. In the anime, Fused Zamasu’s power grows so strong that his existence threatens to tear apart the very continuity of the multiverse, forcing Goku to summon the Omni-King to erase him from reality entirely.

Comparison of this character’s strength with others in the series

While immensely powerful, Fused Zamasu is still clearly outmatched by Grand Zeno, the angels, and the Grand Priest. However, he manages to overwhelm Goku and Vegeta in their blue forms and maintains power on par with a god of destruction. His reality altering abilities allow him to reconstruct the very essence of his being, making him nearly unstoppable. In the end, only an entity like Grand Zeno can permanently erase someone of Fused Zamasu’s strength.

Character #7: Jiren

Explanation of the strength and abilities of the seventh character on the list

Jiren, the legendary member of Universe 11’s Pride Troopers, is considered the mortal strongest in all existing universes. His overwhelming strength allowed him to easily defeat Goku and Vegeta in their super saiyan blue forms. By unleashing his hidden power, Jiren manages to fight on par with Goku’s initial ultra instinct state. His brute strength is enough to shake the entirety of the World of Void – a realm of infinite size. He can also unleash powerful blasts and is resilient enough to withstand a massive spirit bomb detonated in his face.

Comparison of this character’s power with the rest of the top 7

While Jiren’s capabilities excel beyond almost any other mortal, he still falls short of angels, Grand Zeno, and gods of destruction. Both Beerus and Belmod, Universe 11’s god of destruction, are shown to be more powerful. Additionally, Whis also claims he can defeat Jiren without difficulty. However, Jiren does manage to initially overwhelm Goku in ultra instinct with his barrage of physical attacks – proving just how mighty he is.


Summary of the top 7 strongest characters in Dragon Ball, highlighting their extraordinary abilities and impact on the series

In reviewing Dragon Ball’s most powerful characters, Grand Zeno stands supreme with his ability to instantly erase anything and everything at will. Next, the angels and Grand Priest possess unfathomable reality-warping strength. Goku, Beerus, Fused Zamasu, and Jiren also showcase unbelievable god-like abilities that let them obliterate planets and shake infinite realms. Lastly, Bulma’s unique skill to influence gods like Beerus also earns her a spot. These fighters have defined and shaped Dragon Ball thanks to their ever-increasing, extraordinary might.

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